9 a.m. to 18 p.m. (salle informatique, EHESS, 105 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris).
The number of places is limited: registration by e-mail (with indication of the field of research, the existence or not of a corpus, and the level of knowledge) to Klaus.Hamberger (at) ehess.fr.
Puck 2.3 (Program for the Use and Computation of Kinship data, www.kintip.net) is a software for Computer processing of Kinship Data. It makes analysis of genealogical and matrimonial structures, but also of more generic relational data. The course is open to students, researchers, anthropologists, sociologists, demographs, historians... working on kinship and interested to discover and be able to use the Puck Software. Moreover, we will present the Kisources Platform (www.kinsources.net) for archiving, sharing, analysing and comparing kinship data. The course will alternate theorical points with pratical sessions in which participant requests will be welcomed.
Fore more and updated informations about this course, see : https://enseignements-2018.ehess.fr/2018/ue/2177/