How to use Kinsources
Who can access datasets, and how?
Kinsources is an open platform freely accessible to everybody. Users can browse through datasets or search the archive using both metadata and dataset statistics as search criteria (for example, /give me all Amazonian datasets with more than 15% cross-cousin marriages/). Datasets can be downloaded in a variety of formats compatible with standard genealogy and kinship network analysis software (such as Gedcom, Pajek or Puck). Contributors can decide which parts of their datasets they want to make accessible for the general public or for their students and scientific collaborators, and under which license.
Who can contribute datasets, and how?
To submit a dataset for publication on Kinsources, it suffices to open a Kinsources account and upload the dataset, using the website”s submission form. Datasets are published if they meet the requirements of internal coherence, sufficient documentation and conformity to privacy protection. The submission process is supervised by a scientific committee composed of international experts from anthropology, history and social network analysis. On the eve of its opening to public contributors, Kinsources hosts about a hundred datasets from anthropologists and historians all over the world. The strength of Kinsources resides in the scope and quality of the datasets contributed by the scientific community! All researchers and research teams working in the field of kinship are invited to contribute! General Overview: Public, Private, and Scientific Board Interfaces
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